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发布人: 发布日期:2022-05-25




















2018.06 – 2022.05,方太集团柏厨集成厨房事业部高级顾问(兼职)


国际标准化组织竹藤技术委员会ISO/ TC296专家







现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、湖南省人才托举工程项目、湖南省林业科技创新资金项 目、湖南省水利科技项目等各类纵向科研项目6项,已完成“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目子课题(2项)、湖南省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目(结题“优秀”)、湖南省重点研发计划(结题“优秀”)、湖南省企业科技创新创业团队项目(结题“优秀”)、湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目等等,在国内外重要学术期刊Science of the Total EnvironmentChinese Chemical LettersACS Sustainable Chemistry and EngineeringRare Metals等发表学术论文70多篇,出版专著1部,已获得授权发明专利20多件,其中国际发明专利2件。





国际木材保护研究组织奖“Ron Cockcroft Award”



1)Jinbo Hu*, Campbell Skinner, Graham Ormondroyd, et al. Life cycle assessment of a novel tannin-boron association for wood protection [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 858: DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159739

2)Litong Liu, Yu Luan, Changhua Fang, Jinbo Hu*, et al. Structural Characteristics of Reaction Tissue in Plants[J]. Plants-Basel, 2023,12(8): DOI: 10.3390/plants12081705

3)Zixiao Wu, Jinbo Hu*, Zhao Xin, et al. Microstructure and properties of Cu-Zn-Cr-Zr alloy treated by multistage thermo-mechanical treatment[J]. Materials Science & Engineering: A, 2023, 870: DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2023.144679

4)Qinyuan Huang, Jinbo Hu*, Mei Zhang, et al. Li-ion charge storage performance of wood-derived carbon fibers@MnO as a battery anode [J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, 33(2): 1091-1094

5)Xiu Zhu, Jinbo Hu*, Gonggang Liu, et al. Unique 3D interpenetrating capillary network of wood veneer for highly efficient cross flow filtration[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(4): 3155-3167.

6)Wang Qianqian, Jinbo Hu*, Tianshu Yang, et al. Anatomy and lignin deposition of stone cell in Camellia oleifera shell during the young stage[J]. Protoplasma, 2021, 258 (2):361-370.

7)Yujing Tan, Jinbo Hu*, Shanshan Chang, et al. Relationship between pore structure and gas permeability in poplar (Populus deltoides CL.55/65) tension wood. Annals of Forest Science, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s13595-020-00994-6

8)Gonggang Liu, Zhou Lu, Xiu Zhu, Xiaoqing Du, Jinbo Hu*, et al. Facile in-situ growth of Ag/TiO2 nanoparticles on polydopamine modified bamboo with excellent mildew-proofing[J], Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1): doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53001-y

9)Gonggang Liu, Daoyong Chen, Rukuan Liu, Zhaoyang Yu, Jiali Jiang, Yuan Liu, Jinbo Hu*, Shanshan Chang*. Antifouling wood matrix with natural water transfer and micro reaction channels for water treatment[J], ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2019, 7: 6782-6791.

10)Gonggang Liu#, Kai Han#, Yonghua Zhou, Hongqi Ye, Xiang Zhang, Jinbo Hu*, Xianjun Li*. Facile Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Ag Doped Graphene Oxide/Titanate Nanotubes as a Visible Light Photocatalytic Membrane for Water Treatment[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2018, 6: 6256-6263.

11)HU J.-B., Thévenon MF, Palanti S, Tondi G. Tannin-caprolactam and Tannin-PEG Formulations as Outdoor Wood Preservatives: Biological Properties[J], Annals of Forest Science, 2017, 74: 18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-016-0606-x

12)HU J.-B., Chang SS, Peng KY, Hu KF, Thévenon MF. Bio-susceptibility of shells of Camellia oleifera Abel. fruits to fungi and termites[J]International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2015, 104: 219-223.

13)HU J.-B., TONDI G., THEVENON M.-F. KEVIN C. Evaluation de l’efficacité d’imprégnation du bore dans le matériau bois, par analyse des eaux de lessivage. Clermont-Ferrand: 4èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », 4-6 novembre, 2015, 97-101.

14)HU J.-B., TONDI G., THEVENON M.-F. Combustion Performance of treated wood by tannin-based formulation advanced with montmorillonite. Berlin: Proceedings of Fire Safety of Green Buildings, 6-7 October, 2015, 25-28.

15)HU J.-B., SKINNER C., ORMONDROYD G., TONDI G., PIZZI A,. THEVENON M.-F. Life cycle assessment of a novel tanninboron association for wood protection. Koper: Proceedings of the 1st COST Action FP1307 International Conference - Life Cycle Assessment, EPDs, and modified wood, 25-26 August, 2015, 22-24.

16)HU J.-B., THEVENON M.-F., TONDI G. Fire properties of tannin-boron treated wood with montmorillonite. Nancy: 3èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », 12-14 novembre, 2015, 90-94.

17)HU J.-B., TONDI G., THEVENON M.-F. Termite resistance of the tannin-treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood after exposed under the artificial and natural weathering. Paris: 3èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », 19-21 novembre, 2015, 82-84.

18)HU J.-B., PIZZI A. Wood-bamboo-wood laminated composite lumber jointed by linear vibration–friction welding. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2013, 71(5): 683-686.

19)GANIER T, HU J.-B., PIZZI A. Causes of the Water Resistance of Welded Joints of Paduk Wood (Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.). Journal of Renewable Materials. 2013, 1(1): 79-82.

20)Jinbo Hu; Jian Peng; Weihong Zeng; Yanhui Xiong; Diqin Liu; Zhicheng Xue; Xianjun Li; Zhiping Wu; Shanshan Chang; Gonggang Liu; Ting Li. Bamboo Railroad Sleeper Integrally Formed by Means of One-step Molding and Preparation Method Thereof [P]. European Patent No. EP3904029, 2023-08-30.

21)Jinbo Hu; Jian Peng; Weihong Zeng; Yanhui Xiong; Diqin Liu; Zhicheng Xue; Xianjun Li; Zhiping Wu; Shanshan Chang; Gonggang Liu; Ting Li. Assembled Bamboo Sleeper and Preparation Method Thereof [P]. European Patent No. EP3904027, 2023-03-15.

22)胡进波; 于朝阳; 刘贡钢; 苌姗姗; 徐来强; 刘元; 廖媛媛; 柏元娟; 李贤军. 负载仿叶片状石墨烯层的改性木材及其制备方法和应用[P]. 中国专利:CN202310152851.7, 2024-03-14.

23)胡进波; 于朝阳; 贺梦瑶; 刘贡钢; 苌姗姗; 张翔; 刘元; 李贤军; 李婷; 薛志成; 周强; 戴德州. 石墨烯包覆生物质纤维气凝胶界面光热转化材料及其制备方法和应用 [P]. 中国专利:CN112934131B, 2022-06-14.

24)胡进波; 卢斌达; 刘贡钢; 薛志成; 李婷; 苌姗姗; 李贤军; 刘元. 基于光芬顿催化的磁性生物质功能炭纤维及其制备方法和应用 [P]. 中国专利:CN110330091B, 2022-02-15.

25)胡进波; 张翔; 刘贡钢; 苌姗姗; 李贤军; 刘元. 木质炭纤维/金属氧化物复合负极材料及其制备方法和应用 [P]. 中国专利:CN109742367B, 2021-02-26.

26)胡进波; 彭坚; 曾卫红; 熊艳辉; 刘迪钦; 薛志成; 李贤军; 吴志平; 苌姗姗; 刘贡钢; 李婷. 一次整体成型竹轨枕及其制备方法 [P]. 中国专利:CN109732733B, 2020-12-18.

27)胡进波; 彭坚; 曾卫红; 熊艳辉; 刘迪钦; 薛志成; 李贤军; 吴志平; 苌姗姗; 刘贡钢; 李婷. 一种组装成型的竹轨枕及其制备方法 [P]. 中国专利:CN109747008B, 2020-10-16.

28)胡进波; 黄沁媛; 杨天舒; 文书静; 张翔; 刘贡钢; 苌姗姗; 刘元; 李贤军. 石墨烯/栲胶糠醇树脂衍生碳负极材料及制备方法和应用 [P]. 中国专利:CN111063876B, 2020-11-13.