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发布人: 发布日期:2022-05-25


基本信息(Basic Info.








2009/9 - 2014/12,中南大学,材料科学与工程,博士研究生;

2002/9 - 2005/7,中国科学院过程工程研究所,化学工程,硕士研究生;

1998/9 - 2002/7,吉林大学,应用化学,学士





主要研究方向 (Research Interests)


科研情况(Research Projects

  近年来在Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Surface & Coatings TechnologyApplied Surface ScienceJournal of Electroanalytical ChemistryNew Journal of Chemistry、功能材料、中国工程科学、表面技术等国内外材料科学研究重要核心刊物发表科研论文二十余篇,其中SCI/EI 收录 15 篇,申请了发明专利7 项,授权国家发明专利4项。主持湖南省科技计划项目1项,湖南省自然科学基金项目1项,湖南省教育厅项目2项,省高校引进人才项目1项及高校青年基金项目1项,作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金3项,国家重点研发计划1项,湖南省重点研发计划1项,湖南省自然科学基金重点项目1项,湖南省科技计划项目及湖南省教育厅项目多项。主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目2项。

获奖情况 (Awards)


2017, 2021, 2022年度优秀本科毕业论文指导老师



代表性成果(Representative or main achievements主要著作、论文、专利等)

[1]   Zhao Yin, Jin Liang*, ZiYi Zhang, Hang Luo, Jun Zhou. Construction of superhydrophilic metal-organic frameworks with hierarchical microstructure for efficient overall water splitting. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 623, 405-416.

[2]   Hang Luo, Jin Liang*, Jialin Zhou, Zhao Yin, Ziyi Zhang, Xiubo Liu. Synergistic coupling of FeOOH with Mo-incorporated NiCo LDH towards enhancing the oxygen evolution reaction. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 7999-8009.

[3]   Zhao Yin, Jin Liang*, Han Xu, Hang Luo, Danni Deng, Wenjing Lu, Shuting Long. MoO42 doped Ni-Fe-Se nanospheres electrodeposited on nickel foam as effective electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2021, 895: 115501-115510.

[4]   Yang Zhu, Xiu-Bo Liu, Yi-Fan Liu, Gang Wang, Yang Wang, Yuan Meng, Jin Liang. Development and characterization of Co-Cu/Ti3SiC2 self-lubricating wear resistant composite coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy by laser cladding. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 424: 127664-127674.

[5]   张诗怡,刘秀波,刘一帆,祝杨,张林,孟元,梁金. Ti6Al4V 合金激光熔覆Co-Cu/Ti3SiC2 复合涂层组织与摩擦学性能。 中国表面工程, 2021 34(6) 124-133.

[6]   Jin Liang*, Yunchu Hu, Youhua Fan, Hong Chen*. Formation of superhydrophobic cerium oxide surfaces on aluminum substrate and its corrosion resistance properties. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2013, 45: 1211-1216.

[7]   Jin Liang, Yunchu Hu, Yiqiang Wu, Hong Chen*. Fabrication and Corrosion Resistance of Superhydrophobic Hydroxide Zinc Carbonate Film on Aluminum Substrates, Journal of nanomaterials, 2013, Volume 2013, 6 pages.

[8]   Jin Liang*, Yunchu Hu, Yiqiang Wu, Hong Chen*. Facile formation of superhydrophobic silica-based surface on aluminum substrate with tetraethylorthosilicate and vinyltriethoxysilane as co-precursor and its corrosion resistant performance in corrosive NaCl aqueous solution, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2014, 240: 145-153.

[9]   Youhua Fan*, Zejun Chen, Jin Liang, Yong Wang, Hong Chen*. Preparation of superhydrophobic films on copper substrate for corrosion protection. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2014, 244: 1-8.

[10] 梁金*,吴义强,刘明. 溶胶-凝胶原位生长制备超疏水木材,中国工程科学,2014,16(4): 87-91.

[11] Jin Liang, Hong Chen, Youhua Fan, Zhiqing Yuan. In situ growth of superhydrophobic films on aluminum substrate. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 557-559: 1679-1682.

[12]Jin Liang, Hong Chen. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline ceria powder through homogeneous precipitation method. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 557-559: 567-571.

[13] Yongfeng Luo, Haiyan Lang, Jin Liang, et al.Fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces on aluminum alloy by simple chemical etching method. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 239-242: 2270-2273.

[14] Ming Liu, Yan Qing, Yiqiang Wu, Jin Liang, Sha Luo. Facile fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces on wood substrates via a one-step hydrothermal process. Applied surface science, 2015, 330: 332-338.

[15] 蔡金玲,李二平,胡晴,陈浩云,梁金,余志元. 秸秆-污泥基活性炭的制备及其对吸附Pb2+的研究. 工业水处理,2019, 395):53-57.


[1]   梁金,胡云楚,吴义强,陈洪. 一种在金属基体上制备混杂多阶结构的超疏水薄膜的方法。专利号:ZL 2013 10060065.0

[2]   胡云楚,梁金,陈洪. 金属铝仿生超疏水表面制备方法。专利号:ZL  2012 10031621.7

[3]   胡云楚,梁金,王洁,黄自知,田梁材,袁利萍,卿彦,吴义强. 一种超双疏自清洁表面精细纳米结构的人工种植方法。专利号:ZL 2013 10059453.7

[4]   刘秀波,祝杨,汪阳,刘一帆,孟元,梁金. 一种提高TC4合金摩擦性性能的复合涂层材料及其制备方法。专利号: ZL 2021 1 0286872.9.